Full Circle Qigong - Tai Chi Medical Qigong Instruction with Greg Morris

Teaching the Art of Qigong & Tai Chi And Practitioner of Oriental Medicine

For over 30 years Defend yourself against COVID and more

Offering online or in person (covid safe) health and internal strength therapy sessions personalized for your needs.

Build your immunity naturally with internal visualization and Qigong exercises which coaxes the Chi (Vital Force Energy) and helps the cells, organs, adrenals, glands, nervous system and strengthens bones and bone marrow. These simple but fun exercises will also help one manage weight, have more lustrous skin and hair and create a strong and supple body.


If you would like to book private lesson please call (541) 207-2065 or email fullcircleqigong@yahoo.com


Qigong & Tai Chi

Greg Morris - Master Qigong & Tai Chi Instruction

Tai Chi/Qigong Training

Greg Morris is a master instructor and offers both Qigong & Tai Chi training both through virtual online classes or in person.

Find out how these ancient arts can bring, peace, balance, health and confidence into your life.



Medical Qigong

Cold Laser Treatment

Medical Technology

Greg has helped hundreds of people restore healthy body function as a trained and certified master Medical Qigong practicioneer.

By utilizing technologies such as cold lasers and frequency healing along with the energy healing of Medical Qigong we can work together to bring healing back into your life.



Inspired Landscaping

Inspired artistic landscaping and rock masonry

Rock Masonry & Home Remodels

For limited and select customers Greg is also an experienced rock mason.

If you are looking for unique and artistic rock masonry for your home or business please view Greg’s portfolio for the style of energetic and artistic designs he has done in the past.



Full Circle Qigong

P: (541) 207-2065
E: fullcircleqigong@yahoo.com